The International Workshop "GET International@TUSUR" will be the first in a series of events aimed at involving foreign and national students from TUSUR and students from partner universities in joint project activities to develop, create and commercialize technologies. This year it is a part of a bigger annual forum U-NOVUS, held in Tomsk on October 09-12/10, 2018.
Russian and foreign experts in the field of international IT entrepreneurship will present their experience and cases, as well as give the insights about Russian and international practices of creating international IT-companies, will tell about the main challenges and difficulties that companies face when working in global markets. During two days participants, guided by a team of facilitators, will have an opportunity to work on real cases, provided by acting IT companies to enhance their internationalization prospects.
Students from partner Universities are also welcome to join the event, TUSUR will cover the travel and accommodation expenses for the most talented candidates (to learn more please register as participant below and send your CV and cover letter in English to
The program includes lectures by experts, discussions, familiarization with the activities of the TUSUR student business incubator, visits to laboratories for project-based group learning, presentation of successful international student projects and the possibilities that offer TUSUR innovation infrastructure, as well as socio-cultural activities aimed at overcoming linguistic and cultural barriers between Russian and foreign participants of the event.
All activities within the framework of the seminar will be conducted in English.

Co-Founder Innovation Ecosystems Network, mediaX, Stanford, USA

LUT, Finland

Tomsk, Russia


Consulting and realization of Go2Global Strategies Projects, Erevan, Armenia